The Rockwell Hardness Number (RHN) that corresponds to the yield strength below which common carbon steel will not fail due to hydrogen embrittlement due to the presence of H2S is?
(a) 20
(b) 21
(c) 22
(d) 23
Difficulty Level: Hard
NCEES Topic/Sub-topic: Drilling Engr. / Drillstring and BHA
Comment: Carbon steel with yield strengths below 90,000 psi (RHN of 22) will generally not fail by sulfide stress cracking (SSC).
Answer & Reference(s): (C): Page 328. Applied Drilling Engineering, Bourgoyne, et al. (1986)
Answer & Reference(s): (C): Page 58. Petroleum Engineering Handbook Vol. IV (Production Operations Engineering) by Joe Dunn Clegg, et al. (2007)